Regular Church Mass and Worship Pattern
We have 3 churches in our parish, here is our regular service pattern, but this changes sometimes when we have special events and feast days taking place. Take a look at our calendar to see what’s on this month. There you’ll find Mass Times, group meetings, prayer meetings, and sometimes courses that we are running too.
Sunday Services
5.30pm Sunday Vigil Mass at St Peter and St John Church, Camberley, GU15 4ED
– this Mass takes place at 5:30pm on Saturday evenings, it is followed by refreshments in the hall.
9.15am Sunday Mass at St Tarcisius Church, Camberley, GU15 3EY
– this is Holy Mass followed by refreshments in the hall
- Children’s Liturgy is available during this Mass
11.15am Sunday Mass at Christ the King Church, Bagshot, GU19 5LE
– this is Holy Mass followed by refreshments in the Narthex.
- Children’s Liturgy is available during this Mass
Wednesday Adoration
10am – 12noon – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Tarcisius church
- entering into the true, substantial presence of Jesus. Experience a rejuvenation of spiritual nourishment and strength in a more powerful way than you in your daily prayers.
Want to know more about Adoration of the Holy Eucharist – take a deep dive - click here.
Confession and Reconciliation
Confess your sins and be reconciled with Jesus Christ.
9.00 am on Saturday’s at St Tarcisius Church, Camberley, GU15 3EY
– Reconciliation is available before the Morning Mass on Saturday
5.00pm on Saturday’s at St Peter and St John Church, Camberley, GU15 4ED
- Reconciliation is available before the Vigil Mass
Want to know more about Confession and Reconciliation - take a deep dive by watching this first and the second interesting video on YouTube.
Our Churches are also often open for private prayer. To check they are available when you want to visit please check the events page.
If you have the "My ChurchSuite" app, please use that to book events. If you do not have the app but are on ChurchSuite, book events by logging into the ChurchSuite website.

Parish calendar
Take a look at what is happening in your parish by Clicking on events in the calendar below. You’ll find Mass Times, Adoration, Prayer meetings and Courses that we are running amongst other things.
When you select an event e.g. Sycamore, an information window will automatically open showing the details of that event.
Where bookings are required, the event will be marked with a tick box and the details page will have a "Sign Up" button. If no tick box is shown, you do not need to book but you can still view the details. If you cannot see the blue 'Sign Up' button, scroll down the page until you see it. Then Click 'Sign Up'
Events that are not yet active (and, therefore, not yet open for booking) have a question mark at the end of the Title (and appear in italics). You may still view the details but please wait until closer to the date before trying to book.
If you have the "My ChurchSuite" app, please use that to book events. If you do not have the app but are on ChurchSuite, book events by logging into the ChurchSuite website.
Public Masses are streamed live on the Parish's Facebook Page, which can be accessed via the following link:
The readings for today's Mass can be viewed here
For learning more about other online meeting groups, workshops, courses follow this page >>