The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the rite through which adults are received into the Catholic Church.
The journey of faith is not like most trips. There is not a set starting point, designated route, or predetermined destination. Instead, the journey is about broadening our image of who God can be, about asking questions, about always moving forward toward the heart of God.
How we support you
This Christian Initiation process is walking alongside each individual wherever they may happen to be and collectively exploring the mystery that is the Christian faith.
This is accomplished through our community teaching process where individuals become part of a Connect Group and are then accompanied by a parishioner in a learning process that focuses on the Catholic Church's foundational teachings. These teachings are then lived out within the parish community as they prepare for the reception of their sacraments.
We invite all who seek divine truth to join us in this journey.
There are two pathways towards RCIA
New to the faith, or already started on the journey
New to the faith
Our Alpha programme is a good place to start. Alpha is an open and safe environment for individuals seeking answers to the questions of life.
Through a series of interactive sessions in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, our guests have an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a no-strings-attached setting where we break bread together, explore relevant topics, and enjoy the engaging discussion.
Please see our Calendar Pages to sign up to Alpha
Already started on the journey
This is for those baptised and practicing Christians from other denominations who desire to become part of the Catholic Church or Catholics who were baptised but never received all of their Sacraments such as Confirmation.
We welcome the baptised to participate in our formation process, leading to full communion with the Catholic Church for Baptised Christians or the completion of Sacraments for the Baptised Catholic. If you would like to find out more about this, sign up to our Sycamore course. You can do this by contacting the parish office or by finding Sycamore on our Calendar pages and then using the link to sign up to Sycamore.
Next Steps
We invite you on a journey of faith with our parish. If you are ready to take a next step, you can schedule a one-on-one Exploring Faith Conversation with a member of our parish community by clicking on the button below to talk about the process and possible next steps.
If you have any other questions, please contact the parish office by email at camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk

Alpha is the parish's primary course for inviting guests seeking to become Catholic Christians. It is also part of the parish's sacramental programme for adults who are seeking Baptism and/or Confirmation and Reception into the Catholic Church at Easter.
Further, we also invite existing members of the parish to participate in Alpha to deepen their own faith and to be better able to invite future guests to Alpha.
Alpha is Zoom based and meets weekly for 8 weeks. These courses can be on Zoom or Face to Face. If you are interested in joining us for Alpha, please contact Sandie in the parish office camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk or
01276 473525.
Sycamore is an informal course about the Christian faith given in a Catholic Context and exploring its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter. Each session involves a short film and time for discussion. Everyone is welcome.
To find out more about Sycamore and how to attend a future course, please contact the Parish Office.